Embrace the Spirit of Literacy with Gerakan Suka Baca Community
Young people can contribute to the nation’s development in many ways, and one exciting option is volunteering.
A volunteer engage in activities within communities working in various fields such as environment, social issues, culture, education, and more.
Gerakan Suka Baca, or GSB for short, is one of the many communities in Indonesia. GSB focuses on literacy and encourages people, especially children, to enjoy reading.
I’m also involved as a volunteer with the GSB community.
GSB volunteers regularly organize activities like Minggu Cerdas, where they teach and interact with children every week, set up a reading booth at Lembah Gurame Depok, and take children on educational museum trips every three months.
These activities are designed to be fun, making learning and reading exciting for children.
However, during the pandemic, GSB volunteers has faced difficulties in conducting in-person activities. But, we still passionate and enthusiastic to support our community.
We continue to carry out activities virtually, such as transitioning learning sessions to distance learning, creating educational videos on YouTube, live read-aloud sessions on Instagram, hosting podcasts, and other educational content.
Curious to see what we’re up to? Check out the Instagram @minggucerdas